Academic Teams
View the Preble High School Academic Teams below, and click on a team for more information.
Academic Decathlon
Eligibility Requirements: Three members of the team must have a GPA above 3.74, three members must have a GPA between 3.00-3.74 and three members must have a GPA below 3.00. Teams are made of 10th-12th graders with preference for 11th and 12th graders.
Description: The Academic Decathlon is a national competition. The team participates in the local competition in November by taking 6 tests. The 6 topics are: Art, Math, Economics, Language and Literature, Social Science, and Music. Each year the tests are built around a subject theme. If the team advances, they move to the regional competition in January. The Regional competition determines which teams advance to the state competition in March.
Time Commitment: 1 to 2 hours per week
Procedures for Joining: Students are selected based on appropriate GPA, good communication, presentation skills, good reading and test-taking skills, and willingness to learn material outside of required school work.
Email Mr. Kendall. Register on the Preble website under the Activities tab. Click on Online Registration and complete the information required.
Activity Time Period: September through March
Membership Limit: 9
Advisors: Mr. Kendall - Room 220
Eligibility Requirements: Must be a member of the Preble Math Team and compete in 4 of the 5 Metro Math League Meets.
Description: Top 5-10 Students from the Math Team are selected to represent Preble at the Academic Competition in April. Students are selected based on their scores at the five Metro Math Meets during the school year. The Math Team Coach selects the 5-10 students.
Time Commitment: October to April
Procedures for Joining: Register on the Preble website under the Activities tab. Click on Online Registration and complete the information required. Students join the Preble Math Team and compete in the Metro Math Meets from October to March. Email Mr. Schwedrsky if interested.
Activity Time Period: October to April
Membership Limit: 5-10 students
Advisor: Mr. Schwedrsky - Room 237
Eligibility Requirements: There are no special eligibility requirements besides being in good academic standing. However, excellence in high-level science classes including AP Physics, AP Chemistry, Advanced Biology, and/or Anatomy and Physiology improve your chances of selection to the team and its success.
Description: Practices are similar to competitions; team-based tests where challenging science questions are answered collaboratively in a timed fashion with points awarded for correct responses. The school’s team with highest point total wins.
Time Commitment: Practices are once per week for approximately 1 hour. The competition towards the end of March or beginning of April must be attended and lasts from 3:30 p.m. until about 8 p.m.
Procedures for Joining: Express an interest via email to Mr. Haller. The advisor chooses the team based on classes taken and ability in science. Register on the Preble website under the Activities tab. Click on Online Registration and complete the information required.
Activity Time Period: The approximate start time is the beginning of the 2nd semester and ends after the competition in the beginning of April.
Membership Limit: 10
Advisor: Mr. Haller - Room 232
Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements: Since it is an academic team, grade requirements are essential elements with a high grade point average in the Social Studies discipline with emphasis on AP course selection.
Description: Team members participate in a group test. There are two primary rounds where the scores are totaled. A final round for the four schools that have the highest scores at the end of the primary rounds determines the champion.
Time Commitment: Team meetings and competition date and extensive individual preparation based on the competition-testing format.
Procedures for Joining: Recommendation from teachers and other Social Studies Team members. Space is limited based on competition requirements. Register on the Preble website under the Activities tab. Click on Online Registration and complete the information required. Email Mr. Stritzel if interested.
Activity Time Period: January to April
Membership Limit: 10
Advisor: Mr. Stritzel - Room 105
Culinary Arts Competition
Eligibility Requirements: Currently enrolled or has been enrolled in the past in Culinary Arts courses.
Description: To enhance and promote Culinary Arts both at Preble High School and within the community by service learning activities, assisting community organizations as well as individuals, and providing support and assistance for the Preble family.
Time Commitment: Approximately 3 hours per month - 10-15 hours per week
Procedures for Joining: Email Ms. Rabas or see her in Room 140 or contact current club president.
Activity Time Period: Second week of September through May
Membership Limit: Unlimited
Voluntary Competitions:
- W.R.A. Chili Throwdown: September through May. 10-15 hours per week. Unlimited membership
F.V.T.C. Culinary Throwdown: September through December. 10-15 hours per week. Membership limit 4
Prostart: September through May. 10-15 hours per week initially, Jan-Mar 20 plus hours per week including weekends. Membership limit 8
Advisor: Ms. Rabas - Room 140
Eligibility Requirements: All Students are Welcome! Those interested in Business and Marketing careers are especially asked to join. If you wish to work on your professionalism and increase your confidence in public speaking, DECA is a club for you!
Description: DECA is a marketing club. Students compete in events by taking exams that relate to business and marketing ideas; as well as develop oral presentations or “role plays” that deal with business and marketing issues and problems.
Time Commitment: DECA usually meets on Mondays or Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. starting in October. There are DECA practices and are not mandatory, yet they are encouraged. The first competition is the 1st or 2nd Saturday in January.
Procedures for Joining: Sign up in the school store during the DECA recruitment period or email Ms. Porter. Register on the Preble website under the Activities tab. Click on Online Registration and complete the information required.
Activity Time Period: October to January
Membership Limit: There is no limit to the number of DECA members that can participate
Advisor: Ms. Porter - Room 147
Eligibility Requirements: Enrolled in an Agriscience/Natural Resources Class.
Description: The FFA is a national organization for students who are enrolled in Preble Agriscience/Natural Resources Classes and strive to develop leadership skills, personal growth and career success in the our nation’s diverse agriscience/natural resources industry. Students who become involved in the State and National FFA Career Development Events can earn great scholarship opportunities through the Wisconsin and National FFA Foundation. Students have to be working towards a career and education in animal sciences, plant sciences or natural resources. The Green Bay Preble Agriscience/Natural Resources Department has access to these applications through the State and National FFA Association.
Time Commitment: Times will vary throughout the year. Students can select career development competitions, volunteer in our community or school greenhouse, and become an FFA Officer.
Procedures for Joining: Students need to be enrolled in an Agriscience/Natural Resources Class. Email Mr. Vader for information.
Activity Time Period: September to August with leadership opportunities throughout the summer.
Membership Limit: Unlimited
Advisor: Mr. Vader - Room 187
Eligibility Requirements: Any student interested in exploring careers in the Healthcare Industry.
Description: Joining Preble HOSA is an opportunity for students to learn more about health career choices, to help them seek successful employment in the healthcare field. Students are encouraged to participate in individual and group competitive event projects, to develop an understanding of current healthcare issues, as well as career exploration. Preble HOSA students participate in community service projects, tour medical facilities, and host medical career speakers. Members can also attend the State Leadership conference in the Fall and Spring.
Time Commitment: Two meetings a month as well as participating in HOSA community service projects, and health education.
Procedures for Joining: Email Mrs. Blaney to obtain a member form; $15.00 HOSA State and National membership fee required. Register on the Preble website under the Activities tab. Click on Online Registration and complete the information required.
Activity Time Period: September to May
Membership Limit: Unlimited
Advisor: Ms. Blaney - Room 137
Eligibility Requirements: Must be enrolled in a Technology and Engineering course.
Description: Skills USA is a student organization designed for Technical and Engineering students. The organization will expose students to the career opportunities in the engineering, technical, and manufacture fields through job shadowing, guest speakers, and field trips. Students will also have the opportunity to compete against other high schools in his/her skill area at the state convention held in Madison.
Time Commitment: Attend a monthly meeting
Procedures for Joining: You must be enrolled in a Technology and Engineering Course. Register on the Preble website under the Activities tab. Click on Online Registration and complete the information required.
Activity Time Period: September to April
Membership Limit: 24
Advisor: Mr. Berndt - Room 184