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Green Bay Area Public School District








Getting Into a Selective College

Planning ahead is particularly important if you want to gain admission to selective colleges, so the earlier you start, the better off you’ll be. 

Selective colleges are not for everyone. The investment in learning and time spent on rigorous courses is not appropriate for all students; however, if you would love to go to an Ivy, here is information that can help.

What is a selective college or university?

Highly selective colleges and universities are generally defined as those that admit one fourth or fewer of their applicants.  Because many more students apply than the number of spots in a class, admissions officers can choose only the most excellent candidates, and many outstanding candidates will not be offered admission.

For a list of benefits of attending a selective college or university, here is an article on the subject written by an MIT grad.  Also check Understanding College Selectivity.



A Reference for High School Students, Parents, Counselors and Advisors
revised 2017

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1. Why Go to College?

2. Why go to a Highly Selective School (Instead of Somewhere Else?) 

3. What is a Highly Selective School? 

4. Who Gets in to These Schools?

5. How Much Does it Cost?

6. What About Financial Aid?

7. Entrance Requirements

8. The SAT-I and SAT-II and AP Tests

9. The Admission Calendar

10. Deciding Where to Apply

11. Small School or Big School?

12. Going Out-of-State

13. The Weather Back East

14. Do I Really Want to Work That Hard?

15. What About Engineering and Technical Schools?

16. Decisions, Decisions

17. The Application Forms

18. The Essay

19. Teacher Recommendations

20. The Interview

21. Application Deadlines

22. After You Are Accepted - Deciding Where to Go 

23. Summer Preparation 

24. What is College Really Like?

25.  More perspectives

26.  Contact information and disclaimer

1. WHY GO TO COLLEGE? | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

The following brief list is intended to provide some of the major reasons for going to college. You undoubtedly have additional reasons of your own. Add them onto this list to help you focus on what you really want in a school.


To prepare for a specialized career.


To help select a career.


To develop general problem-solving and intellectual skills.


To enjoy a transition between living at home and complete independence.


To broaden your horizons.


To increase your earning potential in the job market.


To increase the likelihood that you will find challenging and interesting work. 


To establish personal work habits and expectation.


To learn the legacy of the past.


To learn the technology of the future. 


To develop on your own away from your parents. 


To make friends and live with peers in a communal setting.


To mature and develop in your interpersonal relations. 


To further develop a field of interest. 


To have fun.



Contact with people who are exceptionally bright, motivated, interesting, and who come from diverse backgrounds.


Academic depth and breadth in your selected fields 


Academic and administrative flexibility.


Academic challenge and the highest possible standards. 


A professional reputation that opens career paths and employment opportunities.  Since employers get zillions of applicants for every job, having a degree from a highly selective school makes you stand out in the applicant pool.  It tells the employer that you are bright and hard-working.


To learn self-discipline and time management skills from having to apply yourself to your studies.


The self-respect that you will gain from your achievements.


To be challenged and grow to meet these challenges.


The chance to be among other students who regard learning as fun, rather than a chore.


Being taught by professors who actually enjoy teaching.


The cultural and artistic environment on campus.




To get to know another part of the country.


To avoid the problems with housing, class scheduling, and changing majors that are typical of large state schools.


Taking freshman classes from Nobel laureates and well-known authorities in their fields.

3. WHAT IS A HIGHLY SELECTIVE SCHOOL?  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

Many people refer to the "Ivy League Schools" without realizing that the Ivy League is strictly an athletic league and has nothing to do with educational quality. Many very respected schools like Stanford and MIT are not members of the Ivy League. What the highly selective schools have in common is that they are in great demand, so they accept less than 10% of the students who apply. 

Each school has its own strong and weak points, and they are as different as the cities in which they are located.  All are privately run, so the tuition is the same whether you are from out-of-state or local. Most seek geographic diversity to help achieve a balanced mix of students. Thus it is easier to get into Stanford if you don't live in California. Just because a school is highly selective does not mean that it is the right choice for you.  Look beyond the ratings, especially in fields of particular interest to you.

UCLA and University of California - Berkeley are sometimes referred to as "public Ivies" because they are very well-respected, highly-selective, and have low tuition because they are public.  However, they have many of the problems common to large public universities such as impenetrable bureaucracies, long wait lists for many classes, and severe restrictions on declaring and changing majors.  For this reason, they are usually not grouped with the private highly-selective schools.  

4. WHO GETS INTO THESE SCHOOLS?  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

The vast majority of the students attending highly selective colleges were in the top ten percent of their graduating class, were active in extracurricular activities, demonstrate leadership potential, scored well on the SAT and SAT-II, and are extremely motivated. They typically took many honors or AP classes during high school. More importantly, they are passionate about learning and throw themselves heart and soul into one or two activities.

You don't have to be a genius, or student body president, or have ancestors that came over on the Mayflower to get into the highly-selective colleges.  You DO need to be interesting and stand out from the crowd.  Nowadays, about half the students at most of the highly selective universities are minorities or international students.  

MIT magazine Technology Review published an article titled "Who Gets In" that details the way the MIT Admissions Office handles applications.  Keep in mind that each college's admissions office has its own unique system for admissions, and it often changes significantly from year to year.  

Thirty years ago, it was pretty easy to predict which students would be admitted, since the highly-selective colleges admitted about 1/3 of the applicants. All the bright, interesting kids were admitted back then.  However, nowadays, colleges no longer have room for all the bright, interesting kids since about five times as many kids apply for the same number of slots, so luck plays a huge factor.  If you play tuba and the school's marching band's only tuba player is graduating in June, you might get admitted!  Or they might be looking for a baritone for the men's a capella group.  Or perhaps they need someone from Wyoming so they can boast they have a student from each of the 50 states.  Or you juggle and the admissions officer who's reading your application also is a juggler, so he gives you the thumbs-up.  If you get in, you aren't "better" than the kids who don't get in - you're just luckier.

Don't forget - the STUDENT is applying to colleges, not the PARENTS.  The student  needs to take the lead in contacting the school, setting up interviews, etc. Parents are not helping (and can in fact hurt) by trying to do too much.  After all, once the student arrives on campus, they're on their own, without mommy and daddy to help them, so they need to practice dealing with this stuff before they leave home.  Parents - don't be a "helicopter parent," hovering over your kids and taking control for them.  Students - if you parents try to hover, remind them that they've already been to college, and now it's YOUR turn.  Check out this hilarious YouTube satire about helicopter parents.  

5. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

The major difference between the cost of a private selective college and that for the state schools is the tuition. The other expenses will be about the same wherever you go.  Don't be put off by the (apparently) high cost. Depending on the course of study you pursue, you may come out ahead in the long run by going to the highly selective school. By going to the highest quality undergraduate school, you will receive the best possible education which will enable you to find a higher-paying job with greater potential for promotion, or obtain admission to sought-after graduate and professional schools. In tough economic times, a 'brand-name' diploma may even make the difference between a good job and no job at all. At most highly selective schools, you will be (usually) guaranteed on-campus housing, required courses (usually) are not over-subscribed, you will be treated like a human being, not a number, and you will have more classes taught by English-speaking professors instead of grad students with heavily-accented English.  Going to a brand-name school will also make it much easier to get meaningful summer jobs. 

It's very stressful being a freshman at a large state school and finding yourself on the waitlist for 5 classes and signed up for 2 you don't even want, because there is no room in the classes you need for your major.  You may have to buy the books, attend lectures and do the homework for 7 classes for the first two weeks until you find out where space opens up.   At the highly-selective private schools, they do NOT do this to their students.  You almost always can sign up for whatever classes you want, or perhaps have to wait list for one class.  So that extra tuition money does indeed result in a very tangible benefit.    

Before you decide to spend four years and a lot of money getting a college education, think about what type of job you want to have ten years from now, and how your college years will help you prepare for the job.  Too often, people major in something like Women's Studies and then realize the best job they can get with that degree is flipping burgers at McDonalds.  Degrees that aren't job-related are fine if your family is wealthy and you don't need to work.  But if you will need a job when you graduate to pay off your student loans and support yourself, then major in something that will enable you to get a good job.  Or major in something you like, but teach yourself a useful skill.  So you could major in Medieval Russian Literature but teach yourself iPhone programming, then work as a programmer, keeping your Russian for a hobby.  Or better yet, major in computer science and keep the Russian for a hobby.

6. FINANCIAL AID  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

Financial aid for the highly-selected schools is based entirely on need, rather than academic or athletic distinction, with very few exceptions. If you apply for aid and the school determines that you have need, you will receive a financial aid package when you are admitted. It will provide a method for you and your family to meet the total anticipated cost of your education, on a year-by-year basis. The aid package typically will require a parent contribution, earnings from your summer and term-time jobs, scholarships, grants, and loans.  Almost all of the highly selective schools practice need-blind admissions, so applying for aid doesn't affect your chances of getting in.

These schools all have similar standards for awarding student aid. While the aid packages that you receive will differ, the parents' expected contribution will be almost the same. Unlike many other schools, the highly selective colleges make their admissions decisions separately from financial aid awards. Therefore, applying for aid, will not hurt your chances of admission.

Parent contribution - The school will calculate what they believe is a fair amount that the parents can pay. They take into account the parents' incomes, number of dependents, total assets, and other expenses (such as other children in college).

Student contribution - You will be expected to contribute a portion of your earnings from summer and term-time jobs, and a portion of cash and other assets.

Government loan -- The U. S. Government offers low interest rate loans to qualifying applicants. Information about these loans is available from your high school guidance counselor or from college financial aid offices. Apply for these loans early since most: banks allocate only a small pool of funds for them.

College loan --Some colleges offer their own loans to students or parents which are similar to government loans but carry a higher interest rate. Contact the financial aid offices to determine which colleges that you are applying to offer these loans.

Scholarship grant - Grants are non-taxable gifts. They are not loans and do not have to be repaid. Almost all grants are based strictly on 'need', but. a few merit and athletic scholarships are available from various sources, usually outside the university. If you are receiving grant money, the amount of merit scholarships will be deducted from your grant, so the total amount of aid you receive will remain the same.

If you are not satisfied with the financial aid package than you are offered, write to the school explaining your situation. The highly selective schools hold back funds for this purpose.  When assigning a value to your family house for financial aid purposes, don't just use the asking price of other houses in your neighborhood. Many houses sell for much less than the asking price when sold for cash.

If you apply for aid, you will need to fill out the FAFSA form. One often-overlooked source of financial assistance is a Co-op or Work-Study Program. Most technical schools participate in these joint programs with industry where you work and study alternate semesters, and the company pays your tuition and expenses. Needless to say, competition to enter Co-op programs is very stiff. Under certain programs, the companies pay for graduate school only.  ROTC also offers many full scholarships, and the military academies provide free quality education.

Keep in mind that you have to pay back student loans.  A friend's daughter recently graduated with a BA in English from a prestigious small liberal arts college and needs to start repaying her loans, even though she can't find a job.  Her payments are about $900 per month.  Do NOT borrow money unless you have an excellent probability of being able to pay it back.  In a good economy, with a marketable major, it's OK to borrow $80,000 for for years of college, but in a bad economy with a non-marketable major (such as a BA in Medieval Literature), you won't be able to pay back your loans.  If you major in something impractical, learn a different skill you can support yourself with.  My daughter realized that a BA in Psychology wouldn't get her a decent job, so she made sure to have marketable skills of website design and commercial graphic art.   

7. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

Most of the selective colleges require, as a minimum, four years of English (including ninth grade), math through pre-calculus, and at least three years of science. Several schools require other classes such as foreign language. MIT requires biology, chemistry and physics.  Most of the highly selective colleges require that you take the SAT (or ACT) and SAT-II standardized tests. Be sure to review current material from the schools so that you will know their requirements. Each college will require you to complete an online application form, including one or more essays. You must provide transcripts from high school and any colleges that you have attended, in addition to providing recommendations from teachers and school counselors.  Many schools also require (or recommend) an interview with a local graduate. You may want to take the TOEFL test if English is not your native language.

Unlike some state schools, none of the highly selective schools have minimum grade point average (GPA) or ACT/SAT score to be considered for admission. Instead, they consider your application as a whole. Weakness in one area often can be offset with strength in another area. The highly selective schools also consider your socio-economic and geographic background since they are striving for a diverse student body.  

8. THE SAT, SAT-II, ACT, AND AP TESTS  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

Contact your high school counselor (or for information, scheduling, and registration for standardized tests. Some colleges no longer require standardized testing, but the majority of four-year colleges still require them.  The SAT consists of three parts - verbal, math, and writing - which test basic knowledge of these subjects. The SAT-II tests cover individual classes such as Chemistry or French. The AP tests evaluate your knowledge of college-level subjects you have taken while in high school.  Some universities (primarily in the South and Midwest) use the ACT exclusively instead of the SAT, but most allow you to choose between the two.

The SAT, SAT-II, and ACT are administered several times per year. Scores are reported to you, your high school, and directly to colleges that you have designated. You may take them as often as you like, but most people take the SAT-I or ACT twice and the SAT-IIs once or twice. Some people find that they can raise their scores significantly by studying hard for them or taking review classes. Review books are available in larger bookstores and the College Board website has sample questions. Vocabulary lists may also prove helpful, as will doing math without a calculator. Try to take the SAT-II near the end of the corresponding class so you will not forget the material. This way you can study for the final exam and the SAT-II at the same time.

Many colleges require that you take specific SAT-II tests, while others accept any three. Most require one of the Math tests. MIT, for example, requires only two SAT-II tests:  one of the Math tests and one of the Science tests. You may have to take four or five tests if you are applying to several schools with different requirements. You can take a maximum of three SAT-II tests on one date.

Almost all the highly selective schools will award you credit toward graduation if you score 5s on AP tests. Some will also give credit for 4s. Occasionally, a score of 3 will enable you to place into a more advanced class but you will not receive credit. Usually you get one semester credit for a year-long AP class. These credits usually won't enable you to graduate early, but will allow you to take a lighter course load for a few semesters.  You can take AP tests for classes where you know the material, even if you didn't take an AP class.  Ask your high school counselor how to sign up.  If they can't help, take it at a nearby high school that is more cooperative.  You can take the AP test for anything, even if you don't take the corresponding AP class.  Many students self-study and take AP tests - if the college you attend awards AP credit for everything under the sun, you may be able to graduate a semester early and save a LOT of tuition money.

Most of the highly-selective schools have a foreign language requirement which can be satisfied with a minimum score on the foreign language SAT-II or AP test.  If you think you will do well on either of these tests, take it in case you need it for foreign language placement or exemption from foreign language graduation requirements.  Some schools like MIT have no foreign language requirement, but suggest that you take one if you are not already proficient.  Many college advisors will tell you that it doesn't matter if you take the SAT-II or ACT tests. college will allow you to place out of a foreign language requirement with an ACT score, but almost all will accept an SAT-II or AP test score on a foreign language test above their cutoff point.  It pays to spend some time studying to get this score, rather than have to spend several semesters taking foreign language in college.  

9. COLLEGE ADMISSIONS CALENDAR  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

This calendar is meant as a guideline only. Carefully review all material from each school to which you are applying and construct a calendar for each one. Some will have earlier deadlines than are shown here and you wouldn't want to miss one.

These days there is a bewildering array of choices for how to apply:  Regular, Early Action, Early Decision, and Single Choice Early Action.  Most public schools just offer one type - Regular.  A few have rolling admissions, and strong applicants may be admitted within two weeks of sending in their forms.  Most selective private schools offer two types - Regular, plus one of the other three types.  For Early Action or Early Decision, you complete your application by late October, then very strong applicants are notified of their acceptance in late December. Applicants that are not as strong are usually deferred until the Regular April admissions time for consideration with the rest of the applicant pool. If you are accepted under Early Decision, you are committed to attending the school. Early Action differs in that accepted applicants have no obligation to accept the offer of admission, but are free to wait and see which other schools accept them.  Single Choice Early Action does not commit you to attend, but you can only apply early to one school.  At most schools who offer Early Decision or Single Choice Early Action, your odds of acceptance are much higher (typically double the normal acceptance rate) than if you apply Regular.  Early Action applicants typically receive a smaller edge or no edge at all over Regular applicants.  

Spring sophomore year

Take SAT-II and AP tests for classes you won't be taking further (such as chemistry) if it is a strong subject for you.

Visit a local college or university during its spring Open House to get an idea of what colleges do.  Try to visit a dorm, too.  What do you like about it?  What don't you like about it?

Spring junior year

Take SAT or ACT 

Take SAT-II for spring classes that you won't be pursuing further (history, science, foreign language)

Take AP tests

Compile a list of honors, awards and extracurriculars for use on application forms.  If you don't know what to list, download any highly-selective college application and see what they ask for.

Think about which teachers you will ask for recommendation letters.  Talk with them to make sure they will write you a letter if you need it.

Visit a local college or university during its spring Open House to get an idea of what colleges do.  Try to visit a dorm, too.  What do you like about it?  What don't you like about it?

Summer junior year

Receive SAT or ACT scores

Make list of colleges to consider.

Receive SAT-II scores.

Request catalogs and applications.  Download application forms and start planning and writing essays

September senior year

Receive application forms (or download the rest)

Make schedule of deadlines.

Apply early if you want to

October senior year

Make final selection of colleges.

Give recommendation forms to teachers and counselors.

Plan and outline essays.

Take SAT or ACT again

November senior year

Begin financial aid forms.

Write essays.

Receive SAT or ACT scores.

Schedule interview with local alumni if you have their contact information.

Take SAT-II if needed.

December senior year

Rewrite and polish essays.

Complete application.

Take SAT again if desired.

January senior year

Complete financial aid forms.

Take SAT or ACT again if desired.

Take SAT-II if necessary.

March senior year

Chew fingernails.

April senior year

Colleges mail acceptance letters.  

Visit colleges if you have time and your budget permits.

May senior year

Decide which school is best for you.

If you have any questions about the admission procedure, check the school website, write or telephone the Admissions office or your local alumni representative. 

10. DECIDING WHERE TO APPLY  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

If you receive a high score on the PSAT, you will be deluged with brochures from various colleges. Some of these schools are excellent, but others are diploma mills that would take your money without giving you a quality education. There are many guides to the colleges available in larger bookstores and on the Internet. Use them to check out schools that sound interesting and browse for other colleges that meet your needs. Don't apply to a college just because it has a stellar reputation - instead see how it matches your needs.  For instance, you can't major in nuclear engineering at Harvard, nor major in Swedish at Caltech.

Think about school size, location, and flexibility.  The College Board has a College Search feature which asks you questions and then recommends schools that might suit you.  

Some students and their families visit colleges during the spring of their junior year or over the summer between junior and senior years.  While some college advisors recommend this practice, I strongly discourage it, unless you are applying Early Decision someplace.  Do NOT apply Early Decision to a school unless you have spent at least one whole day and night on campus, attending classes, eating in the dining hall, and spending the night in a dormitory.  Every year I see a few students who visit College X, fall in love with it, then are bitterly disappointed when they don't get in.  Also every year, I speak with students who apply to college Y Early Decision, go there, and then discover that they either don't like the students or want to major in something they don't offer.  I recommend that you visit only colleges to which you have been admitted, to prevent this type of disappointment, except for Early Decision applicants.  Generally, the most highly selective schools do NOT give an edge in admissions to students who visit the school or have an on-campus interview, since that would discriminate against poor students who can't afford to travel.  However, the schools that are less selective (like Washington University in St. Louis) often will skew their admissions in favor of students who have visited the campus and had an on-campus interview.

Make sure that the schools that you select teach the subjects in which you are interested. Read the catalog and verify that their curriculum meets your needs. Just because a school has an excellent reputation does not mean that it is right for you or your career plans. Few schools offer majors in ballet, Slavic studies, or nuclear engineering. At some colleges, you apply to a school (like the School of Engineering or the School of Arts) and would need to apply for a transfer (sometimes impossible to get) if you change your mind to a major in a different School.  Other colleges are totally flexible about majors.  If you aren't 100% sure of your intended field of study, think twice about choosing a very small college or a larger college that restricts your ability to change majors.  Also think twice about the large public schools that restrict classes.  My daughter applied to the College of Letters and Science at UC Berkeley.  She tried to take a class in the business school but was told that it was restricted to students who had applied to the School of Business, and the liberal arts kids were not allowed to take it.  

If you think a school might be suitable for you, here are some things I suggest to get more information about it.

2) Look at the core curriculum requirements and see what classes you'd have to take to graduate. Do they look interesting? Is this a good fit for you?  Look at the requirements for what you need to take in high school to apply.  Make sure you've taken the appropriate classes and tests to be eligible for admission.

3) Check out the requirements for a major in two or three fields you might be interested in. Does the college even offer the majors that you are considering?  Do these required classes sound interesting? Does the program seem too shallow or too intense? Is this a good fit for you?  Even if you are sure you know what you want to major in, examine other majors.  Almost every college student changes their mind, often several times, about their major and intended career.

4) Browse among other classes in their catalog. Look for special interests that you have - such as music, drama, art, etc. Does the college teach the kind of classes that you like? Do you like the emphasis or slant that they put on their classes?  If you will be majoring in a social science, do the classes seem overly liberal, overly conservative, or about right?  Check out extra-curricular activities.  Not every college has a rugby team or a bagpipe marching band.

5) Do you apply to an individual major, or to a school, or to the college in general? This is a BIG DEAL if you may change your mind about what you want to major in. At some colleges you can switch from a major in anthropology to one in civil engineering just by filling out a form. At other colleges, you have to apply just as if you were a transfer student from another college - and they often say NO. This information is often not in the catalog, so you may need to call and speak with the Admissions Office to get the answer.

6) Is dorm space guaranteed for four years? If it is important to you, find out about substance-free dorms, dorm smoking policy, dorm pet policy, and living in the Greek system.

11. SMALL SCHOOL OR BIG SCHOOL?  | [ Top ] | [ Contact ]

Big schools have the advantage of a vastly larger course offering. You will be able to take specialized graduate-level courses in fields that aren't even taught by small colleges. Since there are more students on campus, there will be a wider variety of student activities. Which small school could support thirty intercollegiate sports? If you are undecided about what you want to study, you may be better off at a large university which offers degrees in many different fields than at a small college where your choices will be limited. Many small schools are "boutiques" that specialize in certain subjects. For instance, Caltech specializes in the theoretical sciences, while Vassar focuses on liberal arts. 

Compare the size of the college to that of the high school you currently attend.  Could you be happy at a college that was much smaller than, or much larger than, your high school?  Mentally extrapolate the social life and extra-curricular activities at your high school to a college of the size that you are contemplating attending.  Most medium-sized private schools have alumni associations and the contacts can be useful finding a new job, or when moving to a new part of the country.  

If you went to a very small, private high school with a lot of personal attention from the staff, would you be able to adjust to a huge school where you won't be coddled?  Are you prepared to deal with an unforgiving bureaucracy?  The large state schools are usually sink-or-swim and provide little in the way of advising or coddling.  The large private schools, however, represent a middle road.

Don't think that all large schools are impersonal. The highly selective schools provide a tremendous amount of individual attention to each student. Some people think that they would rather be a 'star' at a small school than be 'lost' at a big one, but true stars will shine anywhere.